They always say that even the longest journey starts with the first single step, but they never tell you that taking that first step is always the hardest.
This is where i found myself on new years eve 2012. Taking that first step.
Years of smoking and neglect has made me at the age of 50, not exactly the peak of fitness and health and always dreading the future, not really believing i had much of a future left if i carried on the way i was doing. So yep, on that fateful, and as the midnight chimes went to bring in yet another miserable year, I, yes I, decided it was time to try and drag this one foot i had in the grave, out again and get on with my life, in fitness and in health, or should that be Kill or Cure.
So yes the smoking stopped, its been three weeks now and all is well on that score, course i still get the urge, not sure why to be honest, they do say we all have a monkey on our backs eating away at our confidence and positive thinking, and i know that to be true. My monkey you see if a very active one but still on i go, counting the days, which to be honest, go by quickly now, not like the first week. God did the days drag on then, counting the hours, 12, 24, 36,the cravings seemed so hard then, but that doesn't last too long if you can get past the first few days, then all you have to do is quietly get on with it, and hope the monkey doesn't shout too loud.
So stage one was complete, or at least as complete as you can have it for something that seems always on going, at least at this three weeks stage it does anyway. This is where stage two came in though, the stage where the F word rears its ugly head.
Now we all know lots of unsavory F words, flatulence, fornication, Fifty, but non is as terrible as this F word which has driven fear in the hearts of many men before me..
and the words is...
Fitness, yes thats the one. Urgggggggg... Why is it we always imagine we have done with that particular F word in our school days and PE lessons, never imagining that we would one day want to inflict it on our self purposely in later life.
Fitness of course means there will be some sweating involved, and not good sweating like with sex, but bad sweating like with running and heart pounding and the feeling you are about to die, you know, its that sort of "F" word, the F word i hated at school and ever since.even more so when i became the double F word.. "Flabby Fifty"..
Ambition is a strange thing though isnt it, you remember yourself being young, or at least younger than you are now, you remember the energy and the very slim waistline and (in my case) the absence of man boobs, which as we speak are coming on very nicely thank you.
so you look at yourself in the mirror, and really dont like what you see and want to do something about it, but you just dont know what.
Your fear is after years away from any sort of exercise, all you will have to do is put on a trainer shoe. step outside, attempt to jog 100 yards and keel over with a heart attack, which will probably happen if you try to do too much. but thats the nature of ambition, you want to be slim again, you want to have the energy you once had as you feel the graveyard getting closer with every passing year, trouble is, you want it now, and its the NOW that causes the trouble, luckily im too much of a coward to risk the kill or cure approach, so decided on a safe course of action, Well 10,000 actions if im being accurate about it. 10,000 steps each and everyday.
This is the recommended daily steps you should do if you want to get fit and remain healthy with a strong heart, low blood pressure and best of all a small waistline. this i have to see to believe though but hopefully time will tell..
This is going to be a long journey, 10,000 steps a day, thats roughly 5 miles, or 35 miles a week. This blog will be the story of that journey.
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